
Monday, January 31, 2011

The dog that stole my shoes, in a manner of speaking.

So, in case you happen to be some of those lucky people in the country who haven’t been hit with massive amounts of snow, you may not know that New York has currently accumulated more than its share of the fluffy white stuff, which has now, turned to soppy brown stuff. Which brings us to the topic of this picture…

…. These are dogs… wearing shoes… dogs….wearing shoes…

Now, I understand the premise of this and in actuality, it’s not a bad idea, dare I even say smart idea … I dare. This way, your dog is not tracking in all the, what was once lovely white fluffy stuff, all over your cramped, over priced apartment.

Still…. These are dogs…. Wearing shoes. I mean, it just BLOWS MY MIND shoeing a dog. So many questions come to mind. How many pairs do you get them? Do they have one for every occasion? Is it hard to figure out which shoe goes on which foot? “No honey, that one goes on the back right and you have the front left on the back… oh just let me do it..” Or did these dogs dress themselves? George Orwell’s Animal Farm talked about this…. Four legs good, two legs better!

And I’m sure, all the dogs that have the lovely shoes beg (yes I went there) the real question…

”Do these shoes make me look fat?”